Wade Ferguson

Agronomy Manager

Wade Ferguson has been the agronomy manager at Mid-County since last March of 2021 when he came to Minnesota from the small town of Booker, TX. Located on the far northern edge of the panhandle, Booker sits on a flat-plain environment that is night-and-day different from the rolling landscape of south-central Minnesota.

For 10 years, Wade was the chemical and fertilizer application manager on a farm that spread across more than 30,000 acres. Then, for the last four years just prior to accepting his position at Mid-County, he was the operations manager for half of that farm.

Back home in Booker, they started to think about moving. Wade got serious about looking for a new job when his son Caleb finished college and went off to pursue a graduate program in environmental sciences at West Texas A&M. After he eventually hired on with Mid-County, Wade and Irene bought a house in the country near Waconia.

His responsibility as agronomy manager is to oversee all of Mid-County’s fertilizer and chemical applications. He is also involved in purchasing those products.

Wade feels education is an important conduit for building value in our co-op and increasing the number of farmers we serve.

One project he would like to see Mid-County undertake is to establish test plots and grow the latest varieties of corn and soybeans to make it easy for present and prospective customers to get an up-close look at new products coming onto the market.

On a personal note, Wade has taken on a learning project of his own. Now that he is settled in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, Wade said that figuring out how to fish in this new environment is one of his priorities.